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  1. Payment form


1.1 Overview 

This document helps the Users to understand the functionality and flow of creating payment against the GL journal line through payment form.  


To open payment form navigate Menu > Financial management > Payment form as in fig.1  




Payment form is divided into three parts. On left hand side there are different parameters to filter the current receivables/current payables. On middle, current receivables or current payables of GL Journal lines are shown. On right hand side reconciled and unreconciled balance of bank and cashbook are shown as in fig 2.





  1. Parameters shown in payment form


  1. Organization – In this parameter user can filter the current receivables and current payables against selected organization. Organization can be selected from the dropdown. Whatever organization selected by the user, current payable and current receivable shown only for that organization.  

For example – CH Head Office selected as organization, then GL  journal lines of CH Head office is shown in current receivables as in fig.3 




  1. Business partner – In this parameter user can filter the current receivables and current payables against business partner. Business partner can be selected from the dropdown. Whatever business partner is selected by the user, current payable and current receivable shown for that business partner only. 

For example – ch Customer selected as business partner, then GL journal lines of ch customer are  shown in both current receivables and current payables as in fig.4 




  1. Transaction type - In this parameter user can filter the current receivables and current payables against Transaction type. Transaction type can be selected from the dropdown. Whatever transaction type is selected by the user, current payable and current receivable shown only for that transaction only. Order, invoice Invoice and Journal can be selected in Transaction type as in fig.5 




For example – Journal is selected by user in transaction type, then only Journal are shown in both current payables and current receivables as in fig.6 



From date – User select that date from which user wants to make payment. 


To date – User select that date up to which date user want to make payment. 

For example – User select 02-07-2023 as from date and 04-07-2023 as to date, then current payable and current receivables shown for that date only as in fig.7 





  • Current receivables and current payables are shown in middle of Payment form. 

  • In MIDDLE, all the payment methods are also shown.  

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But Journals payment can be done through three buttons only i.e. Check, Batch and Manual.   



    • This  This symbol is used when user want to make payment with cheque. 



      • This symbol is used when user want to make payment in batch. 


      • This symbol is used when user want to make manual payment.  


      If user true selects all checkbox, then all the GL Journal lines are selected at one time for payment or receipts as in fig.8 





       From search field user can search any GL Journal line as in fig.


      Fig.9 9



      1. Buttons configuration


      • In payment form user can select one GL Journal line or choose multiple number of GL Journal lines at one time for making cheque payment and receipts. 

      For example – User selects two GL Journal lines from current payables and makes payment with check. 

      Below are the Steps:  

      1. User selects two GL Journal lines at one time and then go to check button. 

      2. Select organization, bank, bank account, account date, payment method and enter check no.  


      After entering the check no. It will be auto fetch the same check no. is shown in both GL journal lines, because consolidate payment checkbox is true as in fig.10 



      • If user not select consolidate cheque payment as true, then user manually written check no.  

      1. After click on OK, Payment is completed and document no. is generated. Then go to payment window and check all the impact whether payment is completed or not. 

      2. In payment window header tab check payment execution status shown as in progress and allocated checkbox is true. Journal line field is updated on Allocate tab and system creates two lines in Allocate tab. Document status shown as completed. (If user takes one GL Journal line on payment form then Journal field updated on header tab of payment window). 

      3. In GL Journal window, allocated checkbox is true on selected GL journal line in Journal line tab. 

      • In Batch payment user can make payment with Based on selection and Based on rule as in fig.11






      • If user select batch payment as Based on selection, then there is need to select at least one GL Journal line, otherwise user is not able to make Batch payment because it is based on selection. 

      • After click on Batch payment (Based on selection), then click on OK. 

      • Then some fields are open and there is necessary to fill that fields, otherwise payment is not completed as in fig.12 






      • Then click on OK button, and batch document no. is generated 

      • Then user go to Payment batch schedule window and click on complete button as in fig.13 





      • After complete payment schedule batch, document status shown as completed and new button that is Generate payment button is shown as in fig.14 






      • Through generate payment button, payment document no. created successfully and payment is automatically completed in payment window as in fig.15 





      • In payment window header tab check payment execution status shown as in progress and allocated checkbox is true. Batch field is updated in header tab. Document status shown as completed as in fig.16 





      • If user selects batch payment as Based on rule, then there is no need to select any GL Journal line because it is based on rule. 

      • After selecting Based on rule, click on OK button. Then parameter dialog pop up. 

      • Bank and Bank account field are mandatory to enter, otherwise it is not completed  

      • For GL Journal lines, user need to true Include GL Journal line checkbox

      • Account field is used to do payment against GL Journal with specific particular account element as in fig.17 17


      • Image Added


      • As it is based on rule , then it can be taken all GL Journal lines which is covered according to their rule. 

      For example – If user select any business partner , then payment or receipt is made against that business partner and there is need that bank account is also matched for that business partner. 

      • User filled bank , bank account , business partner , then rule apply on particular business partner bind with that bank account. 

      • After click on ok button, batch line completed. 

      •  Then Then user go to payment schedule batch, and check batch lines and batch line details. 

      •  Then Then user complete payment schedule batch after click on complete button. 

      • After complete payment schedule batch, document status shown as completed and new button that is Generate payment button is shown and payment document no. as in fig.18 





      • Then paste document no. in payment window. 

      • In payment window header tab check payment execution status shown as in progress and allocated checkbox is true. In payment window header tab payment execution status shown as in progress and allocated checkbox is true. Batch field is updated in header tab. Document status shown as completed. 


      In payment form user can select one and multiple GL Journal line at one time for making manual payment and receipts

      User select two GL Journal lines and make manual payment, and then manual payment pop up and different field are shown. 

      • It is mandatory to filled the organization, Bank, Bank account, Payment method, Account date and currency type field as in fig.19 

      • Then user clicks on ok button and Payment document no. is generated. 



      1. Payment Schedule Batch


      User also creates Batch Payment through Payment schedule batch screen. 

      • User click on new record button. 

      • In this screen user need to fill all the mandatory fields i.e. Document type, Bank, Bank Account, Payment method. 

      • Then user click on Generate lines button as in fig.20 






      • After click on Generate lines button, one dialog box will pop up  

      • For GL Journal lines, user need to true Include GL Journal line checkbox

      • Account field is used to do payment against GL Journal with specific particular account element as in fig.21 






      • After click on ok button, batch line completed as in fig.22 




      • Then user go to payment schedule batch, and check batch lines and batch line details. 

      •  Then Then user complete payment schedule batch after click on complete button. 

      • After complete payment schedule batch, document status shown as completed and new button that is Generate payment button is shown and payment document no. as in fig.23 






      •  Through generate payment button, payment document no. created successfully and payment is automatically completed in payment window. 


      1. Payment 


      Payment Window is used by the user for viewing, and creating the Payments against the GL Journal lines, Invoice schedule and order schedule. The user can also create Payments against the Business Partner independently. 


      For example – If user want to make payment of one GL Journal line, then user fill the reference on Journal line field and complete the record as in fig.24 



      5.1   Allocate tab 

      • If user wants to make payment of two or more than two GL Journal lines against same business partner, then user use the allocate tab for the payment. User fill the reference in journal line field on Allocate tab and save the record and again click on new record button and save the record. User can do same process multiple times as in fig.25 






      5.2  Allocations tab  

      If the user has created the Payment against GL Journal line and complete the transaction then Allocation tab updated automatically as in fig.26  

