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1. Overview

Vienna Advantage has introduced a new form called workflow composer which helps us to create or edit the workflow in an easy way This document will help the user to understand the functionality of Workflow Composer form. This form will help users to create new workflows or edit existing workflows in the graphic form, where user can see how the workflow will execute. Previously, we were using the Workflow Setup screen for the creation and editing of workflows, which takes so much time to move from one tab to another to view or create the configuration of the workflows. By using this Workflow Composer formworkflow composer form, users can create or edit workflows very conveniently and transiently.  


Product Version and Dependency

This feature is supported by Market (), VIENNA Advantage Base files Files(, Vienna Advantage Framework(, and Workflow Composer( 

2. Workflow Composer

Users can view, create or edit workflow by using Workflow Composer Form. 


  • System will display total workflow count in the title that are available in the system as shown in below screenshot:


  • User can differentiate the Workflows which are created in system level or tenant by color of card view box. Workflows which are created in system are showing grey in color (when login with any specific tenant) with System Level label. As shown in below screenshot: 


  • View the Existing Workflow. 

  • Creation of New Workflow.  

  • Edit/Delete Existing Workflow.  


2.1 View Existing Workflow 

Users need to follow the following steps to view an existing workflow: 


  • Magenta box with number to represent the sequence no. of transition. User can change the sequence of transitions by default it is shows the 10 then if new transition is added its sequence will be added by 10. User can edit it also by enter manually. As shown in below screenshot: 



image-20240604-083540.pngImage Added User can design view of graph by its own convenience by moving node, transitions. This way one can picturize the workflow. Keep in mind after changing the graph user need to save it using save button, else user can drop a node or edit any node to make it saved automatically. 


Below is the description of some other icons present in the graphical area. 


  • User can zoom in or zoom out using button shown in screenshot: 




If Zoom In clicked the Graph with expand and will show as shown in below screenshot: 




If Zoom Out clicked the Graph will contract show as shown in below screenshot:  




  • User can do the Cache Reset after any changes in graphical design using the button shown in screenshot: 




  • If any mandatory column of node is not selected, then Error icon will become red, and user can see the description of error by clicking on button shown in below screenshot: 




If there is no error, it will show blue as shown in below screenshot: 




  • User can do the chat against any workflow record by clicking on the Chat button as shown in below screenshot: 




  • If user make any change in the design, user need to click on Save button as shown in below screenshot: 



This save will get auto call with user click on Back button as shown in below screenshot:  




  • User can enable or disable the property panels of workflow/node/conditions using icon shown in below screenshot: 




  • Plus, sign is used to add the new condition and if condition is already present user can click on it to view the condition. As shown in below screenshot: 





  1. In third section user can view or set the properties on node and workflow.  


  • User can view the workflow properties by clicking on the name of workflow as shown in below screenshot: 




  • User can view the node properties in the right-hand side of the form by clicking on selected node as shown in below screenshot: 





image-20240604-084449.pngImage Added User can edit node and workflow properties if node and workflow is created in login tenant. 


3.2 Creation of New Workflow  


User can create the new workflow both at the tenant and system level.  


  • Click on Add new button shown in below screenshot: 




  • After clicking on add new button. System will open the workflow properties at the right-hand side of the form. As shown in below screenshot: 



  • Users can select the workflow type by clicking on Doc Process, Doc Value or DMS rule. 


3.2.1 Creation of Different Type of Workflow Doc Process Type Workflow  


  • Users need to select the Workflow Type as Doc Process. As shown is below screenshot:  




  • Organization will be auto selected as * and read-only.  

  • User can select specific Table for which it wants to create the workflow in Table/View column. 

  • After selection of table system loads the Search key and Name with TableName_ Unique 6-digit no.  

  • Search key is read-only. Users can’t update it. 

  • Users can update their Name and enter the Description of the record. 

  • Users need to select the Data Access level from the dropdown list. 

  • Active checkbox indicates that record is active. Users can mark it active or inactive. 

  • Then click over the Save button. New workflow in the System and Organization * will get created even if user is login with System Admin or Admin role.  

  • If a user wants to undo changes before saving the record, then click on the Undo Changes button. 

  • On Save system automatically insert the workflow translation. 


image-20240604-084906.pngImage Added Doc Process Workflow and its start node will always get created in System either we are login with Admin or System Admin Role. Creation of Doc Value Type Workflow   


  • Users need to select the Workflow Type as Doc Value. As shown in below screenshot: 




  • User can select Organization from dropdown list.  

  • User can select specific Table for which it wants to create the workflow in Table/View column. 

  • After selection of table system loads the Search key and Name as TableName_ Unique 6-digit no.  

  • Search key is read-only. Users can’t update it. 

  • Users can update their Name and enter the Description of the record. 

  • Users need to select the Data Access level from the dropdown list. 

  • Active checkbox indicates that record is active. Users can mark it active or inactive. 

  • User can select the Condition from dropdown it will create the workflow logic according to the selected condition.  


  • Then click over the Save button.  New workflow in the Login tenant and selected Organization will get created. Same can be verified on the Workflow setup screen.  

  • If the user wants to undo changes before saving, then click on the Undo Changes button. Creation of DMS Rule Workflow   


  • Users need to select the Workflow Type as DMS Rule. As shown in below screenshot: 




  • User can select Organization from dropdown list.  

  • Table will be auto filled with value VADMS_MetaData_ID. 

  • After selection of table system loads the Search key and Name as TableName _ Unique 6-digit no.  

  • Search key is read-only. Users can’t update it. 

  • Users can update their Name and enter the Description of the record. 

  • Users need to select the Data Access level from the dropdown list. 

  • Active checkbox indicates that record is active. Users can mark it active or inactive. 

  • User can select the Condition from dropdown it will create the workflow logic according to the  

selected condition.  

  1. If user always want to run the workflow, then need to select the Always from the dropdown list and system will auto insert the workflow logic as 1=1  

  2.  If user want to run the workflow on new records only, then need to select the On New from the dropdown list and system will auto insert the workflow logic as @Created@=@Updated@. 

  3. If the user wants to run the workflow on update of records only, then need to select the On Update from the dropdown list and system will auto insert the workflow logic as @Created@!=@Updated@ . 

  4. If user never wants to run the workflow, then need to select the Never from the dropdown list and system will auto insert the workflow logic as @Created@!=@Updated@ . 

  5. If a user wants to create their own logic for workflow, then they can select Custom from the dropdown list and customize by adding different column values or columns. 

  • Then click over the Save button.  New workflow in the Login tenant and selected Organization will get created. Same can be verified on the Workflow setup screen.  

  • If the user wants to undo changes before saving, then click on the Undo Changes button.  


image-20240604-085743.pngImage AddedIf DMS module is not installed on link, then message will show as 'DMS module is not installed yet 'when user click on DMS Rule type.  



3.2.2 Creation of Workflow Node  

After saving the Workflow system will navigate to workflow graph whereby default start node will be there and was created in * organization. As shown in below screenshot:  



  • In action list system shows all the Actions. As shown in below screenshot: 






  • User can select the node action and drag it to the workflow graph where want to set. As shown in below screenshot: 




  • When node is dragged, a new node will get created in * organization. 

  • Users need to click on the node to open the node properties. As shown in below screenshot: 




  •  Properties will open if Disable Properties bar is on if its off then on click system will not show the node properties.  

  • User can select the fields according to the type of node if any mandatory field is not selected the node colour will be Red and error will show above in validation error icon. 

  • When node is created Node translation auto updated. 

  • In the Same way user can add multiple nodes on the Graph. 

  • To delete the node user can select the node and then click on back space. User can delete the nodes which are in login tenant and are not yet triggered in system. 

  • Below is the screenshot of workflow graph with created nodes: 






3.2.3 Creation of Transitions 


After creating the workflow nodes user need to create the transitions between the nodes. 


  • Users need to click on the Arrow at the centre of node box and drag the transition to node box which user want to take as the next node. As shown in below screenshot: 




  • System will create the node in * organization.  

  • User can delete the transition by selecting the transition then click on backspace. 

  • User can edit the Sequence of transition by edit it and pressing enter. 

  • In the same way user can add multiple transition between the nodes. 

  • Below is the screenshot of workflow graph with created transition




  • : 


3.2.4 Creation of Conditions 


After creating the transitions user can add the conditions for a node. 


  • Users need to click on the Plus + sign shown on the transition. As shown in below screenshot: 




  • Condition properties will open at right hand side of workflow graph.  

  • User can create new condition by clicking on Add button as shown in below screenshot: 




  • After clicking on Add new button user can select columns. 

  • Click on Save button to save the conditions as shown in below screenshot: 





  • System will create the condition in * Organization.  

  • Once condition is saved it will reflect in the workflow graph.  

  • User can add multiple conditions by clicking on plus sign as shown in below screenshot: 




  • User can delete it by using Delete icon shown in the condition properties. As shown in below screenshot: 






  • Below is the screenshot of workflow graph with created conditions:  




3.3 Edit/Delete Existing Workflow Workflow 


 User User can edit or delete the existing workflows. 


3.3.1 Edit Existing Workflow  


User can edit the existing workflows which are created in its login tenant only. But user can create new nodes, transitions and conditions in the system level workflows. Edit Existing Workflow Properties 


Following are the steps to edit the workflow:  


  • Click on Edit icon shown in below screenshot:   






On click on Edit button properties of workflow will show in right hand side of the form as shown in below screenshot:  




  • User is allowed to change the Name, Description, Active and Data Access Level.  

  • Click on Save button to save the changes. If there is no change then save button will  


  • Edit the workflow properties from the workflow graph where user need to click on the name of the workflow. As shown in below screenshot: 





On click on Name of workflow properties of workflow will show in right hand side of the form as shown in below screenshot: -





image-20240604-091709.pngImage Added If user is login with tenant and the workflow is a system record, then all field will show read-only. User can edit the system level workflow by login with System Admin Role only. Edit Existing Workflow Nodes 


To Edit the Workflow Node, Disable Property icon should be on. Then only nodes properties will show in right hand side of the form. 


  • Users need to click on node. System will open the node properties in right hand side of the form as shown in below screenshot: 




  • User is allowed to change all fields except the search key.  

  • Users need to click on Save button to save the changes.  

  • User can add the nodes by drag from the action list and drop to the Graph. As shown in below screenshot: 





image-20240604-091855.pngImage Added Save button will get enabled when any change is made on node property. 


image-20240604-091859.pngImage Added If user is login with tenant and the node is a system record, then all field will show read-only. User can edit the system level node by login with System Admin role only.  


image-20240604-091902.pngImage Added If user is login with tenant and the workflow is a system record, then user is allowed to add the new node transition and conditions. That will be create in login tenant and organization *. Edit Existing Workflow Transitions 


Following are the steps to edit the Workflow Transitions:  


  • Click on transition to end and move it to another next node.  

  • User can delete the by selecting the transition and click on backspace.  

  • User can add the transition in any existing flow. As shown in below screenshot: 






... Edit Existing Workflow Condition 


Following are the steps to edit the Workflow Conditions:  


  • Users need to click on the conditions shown on the transitions shown in below screenshot: 





  • Condition properties will open at right hand side of workflow graph. As shown in below screenshot: 



  • User can edit condition by changing the Column Operation or Column Value on exiting condition record.  

  • User can delete it by using Delete icon shown in the condition properties. As shown in below screenshot: 




  • Once condition is saved it will reflect in the workflow graph.  


image-20240604-092155.pngImage Added When two users of a single tenant work on the same workflow graph at same time. Then Changes of last update will show only.  


3.3.2 Delete Existing Workflow  


User can delete the existing workflows which are created in its login tenant only.  


  • User can delete the workflow by clicking on Delete icon shown in below screenshot:  




  • System will ask for confirmation as shown in below screenshot: 





  • Click on the Ok button if the user wants to delete the record. Record will get deleted and not shown in workflow list. 

  • Click on the Cancel button if the user doesn't want to delete the record. Record will not get deleted and shown in workflow list. 


image-20240604-092318.pngImage Added When any workflow is already triggered by the system then user will not be able to delete that record it will show the error of child record. 
