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This document helps the Users  to understand  the functionality and entire flow of Budget and Budget Controlling. 


GL Budget  Window 

It is used to Control the Budget according to the ''Budget Control Basis''.  

  • Budget Control Basis is a mandatory Field. User has a choice to select the Budget Control Basis from the Drop down as explained below. 

    • Annual-  On Selecting  ''Annual'' Budget Control Basis, System will control the Budget Yearly and user has to select the ''Year'' from the Respective field.. 

    • Period Only- On Selecting ''Period'' Budget Control Basis, System will control the Budget monthly and user has to select the ''Period'' from the Respective field. 


Budget Control Window 

This window defines Budget Control for the defined Budgets and it includes two tabs, ‘’Budget Activation’’ and ‘’Budget Control Dimension’’


Budget Activation 

  • Name Field is used to fil the name of Budget Control. 

  • For ''Budget'' Field, System will only show those Budgets which are related to the selected organization of Budget Control window. 

  • Commitment type consists three values as explained below.  


  • Accounting books is user to record the Budget 


Budget Dimension Tab 

              This Tab will be used to define the dimension to control the budget. 


  • Budget can be Control by GL journal window/ form.  Create the GL Journal with Selecting all the Field with Posting type “Budget” and select required “Budget” from the field.   

  • Respective Budget will only applicable for those dimensions which user has defined on Budget Dimension tab of Budget Control window. 

  • Complete and Post the record. Posting is mandatory for the Budget control. 


Purchase Order 

  • While completion of Order, System will get the posting details based on account localization defined and linked on respective Accounting Books and get the Posting Ledger for respective line items (Charge / Product). 

  • Find the defined Budget control for respective organization and get the budget details from respective Budget Control and check for the budget control where Commitment Type = Commitment Only OR Commitment and Reservation. 

  • Against the budget, check for the respective ledger for defined budget value against posting type Budget and in reference to Dimensions available Budget Control and Transactions. 

  • Check the Control scope. 

  • Compare the values of Budget and value of Transaction, if variance comes as positive then system allow to complete the transaction else show a Budget Exceed message and restrict the transaction to complete. 

  • When PO is created with reference of the Requisition then, there will be a reverse entry for the reservation posting type (requisition). 

For Example:  Budget is defined as respective period and Budget Dimension is Project. It means, User wants to control the Budget only on Project Dimension, where as only those transactions will get completed where Project is linked to transaction and Budget is defined for the respective projects. All other projects whose budget is not defined will not get completed as there is no budget available in the system.   


Completion logic remains same for the Requisition only Budget Control will apply where “Commitment Type = Commitment and Reservation, Where as if the Commitment Type = “None” then system will not control any transaction either PO or Requisition.   


Posting of the all relevant Documents is a must, to properly run the Budget Controlling Functionality in the VA System 
