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Rebuild the module with updated NuGet Packages and done necessary code changes to make compatible with Vienna Advantage Framework version 5.0 and above.  

Note:- This version and all future versions of this module will be compatible with Vienna Advantage Framework version 5.0 and above. If you are using Vienna Advantage Framework 4.X.X.X then, do not install this version.  

Module Dependency

Vienna Advantage Standard (VAS_) <> 


1. Added two fields Per unit Cost, Total Cost ,marked UOM read only on Task Activity Tab on Maintenance Work Order Window. 

2. Added new fields cost drivers  ,UOM on Task Schedule Tab in Maintenance Work Order Window 

3. Bind the callout on Task Activity tab on cost driver and hours filed. 

4. Work over callout for task activity tab for showing the per unit cost on Task Activity tab on the selection of cost driver and hours (total cost will update). 

5. Work over the Task Activity for calculating the total cost on all parent-sub parent  tabs 

6. Changes done on task activity when record deleted total cost will be updated. 

Production Order Cost Process 

1. Create Production Order Cost in complete stage when Quantity Assembled is greater than ZERO on production Order Window. 

2. Update Raw Material Cost and Cost Driver cost at Production Order Cost header tab from the line tab. 


1. Done DB changes on Document Type Window : field Manufacturing Expense added 3 values to List

a) Additional Material Consumption 

b) Starting & Ending 

c) Stock Write Off  

2. Create Work Center Cost line created with output_k and output_m if the cost available against the ledger code linked with the cost driver. Also moved the cost on production order cost window for output_k and output_m.

3. If the cost available against the machine cost driver (with ledger code) and recorded time is not available now the system will generate the machine cost driver at work center cost. 

titleBug Resolve

1. Correction in  Production Order Consumption for FG) Print, Addes Cost center and work center in Parameter and print. 


1. Change reference type to date and time for Document type field on Dail tickets tab under PTT. 

2. Cost driver—Labour variance list value renamed to Idle time for cost driver category on Cost driver window.

3. Hide Idle Time in downtime category on PTT, generate activity lines and activity Tab. 

4. Uncomment changes to marked processed activity from Daily ticket process. 


1. Added new Report (Production Order Consumption for FG) With menu (Production Order Consumption for FG) -  This report shows Raw Material consumed in Production. 

Note : Released for Oracle DB only 

titleBug Resolve

1. Correction in RM Material Consumption with Cost Report (Total of Production Allocation Advice is corrected) 


1. Added new Report (RM Material Consumption with Cost) With menu (Production Allocation Advice) -  This report shows Expense Details, Raw Material and Packing Material details and Summarized costings.  

Note : Released for Oracle DB only 


1. Added Callout to set UOM on Task Activity on Maintenance work order. 

2.Added Callout to check Yield qty with PO qty on Production Time Ticket. 

3. Handled case of  Quality for Operation on Production Time Ticket process.

4. Done changes to add downtime category field on activity form.

5. Window –  Maintenance Work Order 

Tab – task Activity

Fields – Added Processed and VA073_ProcessNo.


1. Create new Process for Task Activity on maintenance Work order which will process the task activity. 

2. During creation of cost center cost, system will pick the recorded time from the task activity which is marked as processed for the specified period 


1. Window - Indirect Cost Entry.

Tab - Indirect Cost Entry

Field – M_Product_ID , C_Charge_ID 


2. Generate Work Center Cost 

a) When Multiple Work center linked  with Single Cost center, Expenses to be distributed based on Qty on respective work center. 

b)Create Production Order Mapping tab on Cost Center Cost 

c) During creation of Cost Center Cost record, when the distribution type is recorded time then system will maintain record on PO Mapping (time spend on Direct Production Order and Without Production Order)

3. Production Order Cost 

Handle calculation for Indirect Cost Center with recorded Time  

Case 1: When total indirect cost belong to respective Production Order then Per Unit price to be calculated as 

Total Cost * Production Order time recorded from PO mapping / Total Time recorded against Cost driver and Cost Center  

Case 2: When Indirect cost belong to specific production order as well remaining time to all production order in the month  

Case 3: When Indirect cost not belong to any specified production order, then distribute as 

Total Cost * Operation qty / Total Production operation Quantity. 

4. Indirect Cost Entry for Packaging 

Packaging Cost to be maintained on production Order Cost where Finished Good and production Order matched 


Handle precision based on the system precision setting. 


DB Changes  

1. On Maintenance Work Order Window: 

Creating one table(VA073_TaskActivity) and tab (Task


2. On Cost Driver window: 

Added one column as LOV and field 

(VA073_Distribution Basis) 


1. On Cost Center Cost Window: When Distribution basis for Indirect Cost Driver is Recorded Time, then Per Unit Price to be calculated on Cost center Cost Window based on recorded time on Maintenance Work Order against Cost Center for the Indirect Cost Driver. 

2. On Production Order Cost Window: Consider Per Unit price for Indirect Cost driver against cost center from the Cost Center cost directly rather than to calculate based on Production Order total quantity. 


DB Changes Production order cost window Header tab – production order cost 

1. Created two virtual columns Total Overhead and  Cost Variance 


1. Window: Cost Driver

A) Added new tab as "Default Accounting"

Created new table as "VA073_CostDriver_Acct" 

B) Tab: Cost Driver

1. Field: Cost Driver Type - Added LOV value as "Downtime – Labour variance”

2. Added new field as "VA073_SKF_ID"  

C) Apply Display logic on Tab Cost Center and Ledger Account

2. Window: Work Center Cost 

Tab: Work Center Cost 

Field: VA073_OUAbsorbedCost 

3. Window: Production Order Cost 

Tab: Production Order Cost 

Field: CurrentCostPrice 


a) Production Order Cost not to be completed until production order status in Completed stage. 

b) Maintain Current Cost Price on production order cost based on production execution having "Transfer Assembly to Store" as Transaction type. 

c) Maintain Over-under absorbed cost on Work Center Cost based on his summary tab.

d) In Generate Work/Cost center process: when the record found on selected period date in the Work center cost / Cost center cost then not to generate lines again for the period. 


1. Debit in Sender Details section should come as Value. 

2. Remove the GL Category parameter and the system has to pick this value from the selected document type. 

3. Any ledger code coming with Zero value in the Sender details should not come.

4. The provision is provided at the level of the Distribution and Allocation Rule window to define the Indirect costing rules. 

5. Introduction of Cost Centre Cost window that contains the values based on SKF and Percentages. 

6. From the Other Cost Center that are indirectly part of the manufacturing and having the cost, Such a cost is distributed to the Production Cost center using the SKF and Percentage. The Cost Centre Cost window contains the details of such cost. 

7. Changes are done at the Production Time ticket – Activities tab to record the downtime only against the downtime cost driver.

Work Center Cost window 

1. Created new fileds as "Date Account" 

2. When work center cost  record is generated then the Date Account should be the last date of the selected period.

3. Accounting tab is hided from Work Center Cost window. 

titleBug Resolve

1. Correction in the Downtime calculation at Production Order Cost. Previously the cost of the downtime was not correct and now downtime will be calculated based on the Machine hour cost. 

2. Consideration of the Cost Centre Cost values and distributed at the Production order cost. 

3. Correction in the calculation of the Production Order Cost. No Order SKF is not considered in the product cost and hence not coming as of now in the Production order cost. Along with this the Indirect Percentages & SKF (From Cost Center Cost window) are distributed at the Production order cost window. 


1. Added message entry "VA073_PTTNotProcessed" for Production Order. 


Changes in Advance Costing Flow

1.Window -> Statistical key Figure 

Table -> VA073_SKF  

Column -> VA073_IsDownTime 

2. Window -> Production Time Ticket 

Table ->  VA073_ActualHours 

Column -> VA073_DownTimeCategory

3. Window -> Organization Unit 

Table ->  VA073_OrgCostDriver 

Column -> VA073_DownTimeCategory 

4. Window -> Work Center 

Table ->  VA073_WCCostDriver 

Column -> VA073_DownTimeCategory 

5.Window -> Work Center Cost 

Table -> VA073_WCCostDetailVA073_WCCostSummary Column -> 

- VA073_DownTimeCategory 

- VA073_CostDriverType 

- VA073_IsProdCostCalculated 

6. Window -> Production Order Cost 

Table -> VA073_POCostDetails Column -> 

- VA073_DownTimeCategory

- VA073_CostDriverType 

- VA073_CostType (LOV updated with new values)


1. Handle Downtime Category on "Cost Driver" Tab of  Organization Unit and Work Center Window 

2. Set Cost Driver Type on Work Center Summary through the "Distribution and Allocation form" 

3. Create new line for SKF And Downtime Category: Calculate amount for Downtime Category for Machine and SKF on work center cost summary on completion of Work Center Cost. 

4. Distribute the Downtime Category, SKF and Over/Under Absorption on Production Order Cost in respective Production order based on Production Order Assemble quantity. 


Work Center Cost Window

1. Make Posted button editable after completion

2. Update List on Cost Type on Detail tab 


Window: Budget Forecast  

Tab: Line Details(VA073_ForecastLines)  


IsAdjusted : New Column  

 Window : Material Budget   

Change Tab Name from Budget Forecast to Material Forecast   

Tab: Forecast Line   

Fields: Update fields name  

Unit Price: Unit sales Price  

Purchase Value: Total material Cost  

Material Price Per Unit : Material Cost Per unit  

 Window : Production Time Ticket   

Tab: daily Tickets   

Table: VA073_Personnel  

Create Column : VA073_GenActivityLines – Bind the form as well.  

 Window : Distribution And Allocation Rule   

Tab : Header   

Field : C_AcctSchema_ID – will list only Costing Accounting Schema  

Window : GL Journal   

Tab : Header   

Field : VA073_GenerateProcess – will display when Costing Accounting Schema Selected  

New Field : took "Costing" field which will be true when we select Costing Accounting Schema (dependent on framework code)  

Process :   VA073_GenerateWCCostDriverActual,  VA073_CostDriverActualOnOrganizationUnit  

 Window : Production Order Cost  

Tab : Cost   

Create new field as "C_Period_ID" 

 Window : Internal Use Inventory  

Tab : Internal Use    

Column:  Create new column "VA073_IsCostRollup"

Window Production Execution   

Tab : Production Execution   

Column : Create new column "VA073_IsCostRollup"  

 Window : Work Center Cost   

Tab : Header   

Fields : C_DocType_ID , DocStatus, DocAction, Processed, Processing, Posted, IsReversal, ReversalDoc_ID, Description  

Tab – WC Cost Detail  

Field : ReversalDoc_ID  

Window : GL Journal   

Tab : Header  

Field : VA073_IsDistributedGL  

Create Document Base Type as "WCC"  

Create Document Type as "Work Center Cost"  

Window : Production Order Cost  

Tab : Header   

Field :  IsReversal, ReversalDoc_ID  

Tab : PO Cost Detail  

Field : ReversalDoc_ID  

Window : Production Time Ticket  

Tab :Activities   

Table: VA073_ActualHours  

Column: VA073_BPartner_ID : Update Reference key: Checked Display Value and  Set Display column to Name.  

Window : Internal Use Inventory   

Tab: Inventory >> Table: M_Inventory  

Create new column and field :  

VAMFG_M_WorkOrder_ID (Production Order). Apply display logic and Bind Validation as well.  

 New Message entry   



 Added new Process on Menu with the name as "Reverse Distributed Cost Rollup" 

Window : Distribution And Allocation Rules                    

Tab :Distribution Table: VA073_Assessment  

Crete New Column   

CopyFrom : Bind Process VA073_CopyFromDstribution 

New Message entry   



DB Changes: 

1. Window : VA073_Work Cener Cost 

Header Tab  

- Created new fileds as "VA073_TotalActuals", "VA073_AbsorbedCost",  "VA073_OUAbsorbedCost", "C_Currency_ID", "DocumentNo" 

- Remove "Value" 

Line Tab 

- Created new fileds as "VA073_CostType" LOV 

- Make Work Center Cost and Cost Type as Identifier 

Created new Accounting Tab as "VA073_WCCostDetail_Acct" 

2.Window : Distribution And Allocation  

Tab : Cost Element 

Created new field as  


- Va073_IsDistribute 

- VA073_CostElementRef_ID 

- C_ValidCombination_ID 

3. Temp Table : VA073_t_SenderDistribution 

Create new column as VA073_AssessmentLine_ID 

4. Handle changes for handling Posting Effect on work center cost and Production order cost

Dependency Information  
Financial Management < 


Advance Costing : New Feature introduce as an extension of "Manufacturing Module" to calculate the cost of finished and semi-finished product. 

 DB Changes: 

1. Added Daily Tickets field on Production execution Added Daily Tickets field on Production execution 

DB Changes:  

1. Window : Production Time Ticket 

Tab :Activities >> Table: VA073_ActualHours 

Column: VA073_ActualHrs – set reference to Number

2. Window: Routing >> Tab: Cost drivers  

Set tab level: 2  

3. Table: VA073_Acitivity 


- UOM(_UOM_ID) : Set read only true 

- VA073_ActivityType_ID: Bind callout 

- Create new Column :  VAMFG_M_RoutingOperation_ID 


1. Enhancement for Advance Budgeting. 

This module is supported by the following modules  

- VA Framework (

- VA Upgrade 4 (

- Manufacturing ( 

titleBug Resolved

Bug Fixes 


1. Added VA073_POTimeTicket and VA073_TotalDowntime  fields on Production Execution Window. 


1. Product Cost of the Finished Goods in the Manufacturing is calculated from reference of the actual spent hours against each Cost Drivers captured for the Production Order. To achieve the same, the following features are introduces in the module. 

-A new window ‘Production Time Ticket’ is Introduced.  

-A new tab ‘Daily Tickets’ is created to enter the shift wise daily Production output against the Production Order. 

- A new tab ‘Activities’ is created to capture the Cost Drivers with actual spent hours to calculate the Product Cost.