Versions Compared


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Vienna has implemented E-Invoicing and E-Way functionalities from the AR Invoice and Material Transfer. 

On material transfer screen new print format introduce.   

On AR Invoice Screen screen new print format introduce on Right Action Panel 

DB Changes are: 

New Windows :-   

  1. Window -  API Authentication  
    Tab – API Authentication  

Fields – Client Id , Client secret , Authentication  Token , Authentication Valid till, Subscription Id, API Counter , Valid 

 2. Tab - API Url 

Fields -  API Authentication, API Type, API URL, API URL Path 

  1. Window -  E-Invoicing Authentication 
    Tab – E-Invoicing Authentication 

Fields – User Name , Password , API Version ,Status , Description , Authentication Token  ,Session Encryption Key , Token Expiry , Error Code , Error Details  

  1. Window -  E-Invoicing Response
    Tab –  E-Invoicing Response 

Fields – Invoice , Status , InfCd  ,Acknowledgement No. ,Acknowledgement Date , IRN , Signed Invoice , Signed QR code , QRcode64base , Error Code (E- invoicing), Error Message (E-invoicing), Cancel Date/Time , IRN Generated , IRN Cancelled  

  1. Window -  E-way Bill Response 
    Tab –  E-way Bill Response 

Fields – E-way Bill No , E-way Date , E-way Valid  Till , Transport ID , Transport Updated Date , Info  Details (E-Invoicing), Error code (E-way),Error Message(E-Way ), Invoice, Delivery Order, Material Transfer, E-Way bill generated and E-Way bill cancelled 

Existing window new tab created E-invoice authentication 

1.Window - Organization 

Tab - E-Invoice Authentication 

Fields – User Name, Password, API Version, Status, Description, Authentication token, Session Encryption Key, Token Expiry, Error Code, Error Detail, E-invoice Authentication, AD_OrgInfo_ID 

New Fields created on existing Windows as per the solution design 

  1. Window -  Customer Master 
    Tab –  Customer 

New Fields – Supply Type , TAN , PAN 

  1. Window - Vendor Master 
    |Tab –  Vendor 

New Fields – Supply Type , TAN , PAN 

  1. Window - Country 
    Tab –  Region 

New Fields – State Code 

  1. Window -  AR Invoice  
    Tab – InvoiceInvoice  

New Fields – Generate E-Invoice , Generated E-Invoice Number , Cancel E-Invoice, Generate E-Way Bill , Generated E-Way Bill No., Display QR Code, Cancel E-way Bill 

  1. Window -  Material Transfer (Inventory Move) 
    Tab – Move   

New Fields – Generate E-Way Bill , Generated E-Way Bill No., Cancel E-way Bill.

  1. Window -  Charge 
    Tab –  Charge 

New Fields – SAC Code 

E-Invoicing and E-Way Bill

E-Way Bill (Material Transfer)