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1. Added VA076_TotalExtraLength on Production Order and VA076_ExtraLength on PO Operations.

2. Done change in callout to set total qty in Production order


1. Done change on update query on after save of Work Order Operation to set Any Drum and Last Drum.

2. Worked on update quantity to set test length based on NoOfDrum.

3. Done change to set TestLength, AnyDrum and Last drum values based on NoOfDrums on MD Line.


1. Done change to create duplicate components for same product under Master demand.

2. Added VA076_POQty column on Poduction Order window.

3. Added script to mark Qty read only on Production Order.

4. Done change to set total PO Qty on Production Order.


1. Added FirstDrum, AnyDrum and LastDrum columns on VAMRP_PlannedDemand and VAMRP_PlannedOrder Tables and done data marking.

2. Work done on callout to set drum details on MD line.

3. Worked on round up decimal values based on UOM precision for First drum, Any drum and Last drum fields under Component tab on Master demand window.

4. Done changes to calculate qty based on UOM precision for First drum, Any drum and Last drum fields under Component tab on Master demand window.

5. Added Manufacturing Precision field on Unit of Measure window to set precision for production qty

6. Done changes on after save and after delete logics to update First Drum, Any Drum and Last drum details on MD line for Operation tab under Master demand.

7. Work done on update quantity process to calculate first drum , any drum and last drum details on component tab under Master demand.


1. Changes done on Production Order Print(Drum Info and Drum size is corrected) 


1. Added DBScript to add new procedure VA076_M_PRODUCTION_RUN_NotFRPT and bind it on process now button on Assembly window.

2. Added DBScript to change procedure name on M_PRODUCTION_RUN_NotFRPT process and update it on Process now column under M_Production table.
