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On Digital Asset Screen mark all fields updatable on Digital Asset Details Tab. Remove always updatable from License Key field on Digital Asset Details Tab.

  1. On Digital Asset Window in Digital Asset details tab mark always updatable of License key field and change window name License Category to Digital Asset Category, also set window width of Digital Asset window. 

  2. Changes done for Tab panel On Digital Asset window, Removed text break from Description column on Digital Asset History Tab Panel.

  3. Change name of license Category screen on Menu search.


On Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset Screen change reference Table Direct to search of Asset field and  this field is non-mandatory


Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset Screen remove mandatory logic asset field and also set Maintain window Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset


On Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset Screen need to do Retail price field non-editable and also set Transaction window Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset.


Only Approved marked digitals assets should be available for selection on Allocation/ Deallocation screen.

titleBug Fixes

1. On Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset Screen Allocation date field value should be less than or equal to digital asset expire date.


1. Created new window License Category, Digital Asset and Allocate/Deallocate of asset. 

Window:  License Category 

Tab: License Category 

Table: VA103_LicenseCategory 

Window:   Digital Asset 

Tab: Digital Asset 


Window: Digital Asset 

Tab: Digital Asset Details 


Window: Digital Asset 

Tab: Customer Pricing 

Table: VA103_Customerpricing 

Window: Digital Asset 

Tab: Module Info 

Table: VA103_ModuleInof 

Window:  Allocate/Deallocate of asset 

Tab: Allocate/Deallocate of asset 

Table: VA103_Allocate/Deallocate 

2. Show error message if difference between Expiry and Start Date is less than 90 days on Digital asset tab and Digital asset Details on Digital Asset Window. 

3. Show error message When Renewal Date is less than Expiry Date on Digital asset tab and Digital Asset Details on Digital Asset Window. 

4. Renewal Date should one day greater than Expiry Date on Digital asset tab and Digital asset Details on Digital Asset Window. 

5. Show error message when Warranty Date is not between Start Date and Expiry Date on Digital Asset tab on Digital Asset Window. 

6. Show error message when Start Date is greater than Expiry Date on Digital asset tab and Digital asset Details on Digital Asset Window. 

7. On Digital Asset window, After saving the Asset Details system will update the sum of (No of User) filed into Total Quantity on header tab. 

8. On Allocation/Deallocation of Digital Asset window, Work done to show the error message when Available Qty for selected Digital Asset is less than and equals to No. of User/ Subscription field.

9. On Allocation/Deallocation of Digital Asset window, Work done to the calculate the multiplication of Retail Price and No. of User/Subscription and set into Total Amount field. 

10. On Digital Asset Window- On the change of Total Quantity or Allocated quantity fields the Available quantity will be Updated. 

11. Allocation/De Allocation Of Digital Asset Window -When user click on Process Now button then No of User's field value will be Added on Allocated Quantity field of selected Digital Asset record. 

12. Allocation/De Allocation Of Digital Asset Window -When user click on Deallocate Asset Process button then No of User's field value will be subtracted from Allocated Quantity on selected Digital Asset record. 

13. Worked On Allocation/De Allocation Of Digital Asset Window, Implement the code when Assigned to field contains Business partner, Set the Retail Price and Currency field values on the selection of Digital Asset/Business partner by fetching the same from Customer Pricing tab of Digital Asset Window.

14. On Digital Asset Window-If there is reference of an asset given on Fixed asset reference field  than System will fetch in service date and Gross value price from reference asset and set the fetched value on start date and digital asset cost fields. 

15. On Digital Asset Details Tab When first record created than value of Start Date, Expiry Date, Renewal Date of that record should be updated on Header. 

16. On Digital Asset tab When there is no reference of fixed asset than sum of Digital Asset Cost Field of all lines should be updated on Digital Asset Cost Field of Header .

17. On Allocation/Deallocation of Digital Asset Window When user click on Process button than Allocated quantity field value of Digital Asset should be updated on Allocated quantity field of Digital Asset Details Tab.

18. On Allocation/Deallocation of Digital Asset Window if Asset is already assigned to any Business Partner/User than restrict to re-assign to other Business Partner/User. 

19. On Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset Screen restrict to Deallocate Asset if Allocation date is greater than Current date. 

20. On Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset Screen. When Assigned type is External User than System should allow to save record with warning message that asset is already assigned. 

21. On Allocation/Deallocation Of Digital Asset Screen Allocation date field value will be greater than or equal to Digital Asset Start date.

22. Work done for Tab panel On Digital Asset window, Implemented the code for showing the Digital Asset History Tab Panel against the specific Digital Asset record.

23. Work done for Tab panel On Digital Asset window, Implemented the code for showing the Allocation/Deallocation records in Tab Panel against the specific Digital Asset record. 

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