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Survey Tab Panel is a new addition that has been introduced in the framework which allows the User to add a Survey (checklist/questionnaire) to any window. The purpose of this functionality is that the user can submit a Survey (checklist/questionnaire) along with a particular record.   


Pre-requisites for Survey (Checklist/Questionnaire):   


1.1 Tab1: Questionnaire/Checklist set 



Name the Questionnaire and add some description about what the questionnaire holds. 


The user can choose the Type of questionnaire from the dropdown. It can either be a Checklist or a Questionnaire

A checklist is a list of all the things that you need to do, information that you want to find out, which you make in order to ensure that you have a check on everything.  

Whereas, a Questionnaire is a list of questions that are answered by many people. A questionnaire is used to collect information about a particular subject.   


By marking the mandatory checkbox as true the whole questionnaire will become a mandatory one and the user cannot skip any question given in the questionnaire. 

  Move on to the next Tab to add the questions: 

1.2 Tab2: Questions 




Checklist set 

Questionnaire/Checklist set will also be Auto-populated due to the reference of the Parent Tab.  


Write up the question which the user wants to add in the Questionnaire. The user can put as many Questions in the Question Tab.  

Answer Type 

Choose the Answer Type from the dropdown. It can be in the form of checkboxes, options or in the form of text. 

These are the ways in which the particular user wants the answers from the end user.  

Checkboxes: The end user can select from multiple choices given. 

After choosing the checkbox (answer type) from the dropdown another dropdown named as “answer selection” will appear on the screen with the options “single and multiple”. There the user can decide and choose that if he/she wants to have answers with multiple selection checkboxes or only a single checkbox. 

Options: The end user can only select one option from the given number of options. 

Text: The end user can answer in the form of text. The user cannot enter more than 250 characters.  


By marking the mandatory checkbox as true the question will become a mandatory one.  

Line No 

Line number refers to the sequence in which Questions will display and the smallest number will appear the first. 


1.3 Tab3: Answer 



The answer tab is used to create the answers which are to be answered by the end users.  


Question will also be auto populated with the question being mentioned in the parent tab.  


The Answer to question given can be elaborated in the Answer field. For checkboxes and options both.  

Line No.  

Line number refers to the sequence in which answer will display and the smallest number will appear the first. 



Tab 2.1: Survey Assignment 




A Survey would be selected from the dropdown. The dropdown will show all the records created in the Survey Window. 

Questions per Page 

In Questions per Page the user can state the number of questions to be visible on a particular page. (0 questions per page would mean that all the questions would appear on a single page). 


This field is used, on which window user want to show survey. User can select particular window from dropdown (in our example we selected Sales Order window). 


Tab will display as per selected window and select tab where user want to add survey panel. 


This is read only field, it gets auto populated with table linked with selected tab. 

Show Always 

The Show Always checkbox states that if it is true then the Survey will appear on the window/tab at all times and if it is False then the Tab next to (Survey Show condition) will get automatically enabled, there the User will have to put  the conditions that would be required for a Survey to be visible on the Table. 

Document Action 

The Document Action field will be enabled if the table has a document action on it. There the user will select the action from the dropdown and the system will give an error if the linked checklist is not filled on that action. First system will ask to fill the checklist then user can execute the action. 


When user will save the assignment then selected survey will be linked and assigned to the window which was selected. Afterwards, the survey tab will be visible on that particular window which was selected. 


This Tab gets enabled when the user marks the “show always” checkbox as false. Here, the User will create all the conditions that will become the cases to be able to view `the particular Survey on a tab.  


Survey Assignment 

Whichever Survey is binded on the Header tab will be auto-populated.  



The system will give priority as per the sequence of the Condition. The new development in VA system is that the sequence number could be any number and the small number would be given higher priority (initially it was the multiples of 10 only).  


And/or conditions will define that either it would be an “And” condition or an “Or” Condition. 


The column field will have the fields that are available on the selected Table, the user needs to choose from the dropdown.            


In the operation field the user needs to mention the comparing operation that needs to be selected for the Condition. 

Equal to 

Equal to field will contain the value that can be an integer, string or text etc.  

*If the column is  Reference type or List type then the value of that field will be taken from the 'Preference' which is available when the user clicks on the three dots next to the control as shown below. 

Value to  

The Value to field will only be enabled when the “<X>” (In between) operator is selected. It refers to last value in the range that is provided. 


For e.g. Acquisition Cost (column), > (Operation), 80 (Equal To)  


Operation's Explanation: 





Not Equal To  

Here, the given column should not be equal to the value provided in the "equal to" column. 

Less than  

The given column should be less than the value provided in the "equal to" column. 



Less than or Equal To 

The given column should be less than or equal to the value provided in the "equal to" column. 



Equal To 

The given column should be equal to the value provided in the "equal to" column. 


Greater Than 

The given column should be greater than the value provided in the "equal to" column. 


Greater than or Equal To 

The given column should be greater than or equal to the value provided in the "equal to" column. 


In between  

The given column should have a value that lies between the value mentioned in "Equal to" and "Value to" column.  

Like operator 

The character mentioned in the value field should match the character mentioned in the Column of the condition. 

Tab 2.3: Response Setting 

In the Response Setting tab is used to for making the responses visible to the user itself and to put a number limit on the number of responses.  


Survey Assignment 

Survey Assignment will also be auto-populated in reference to the Parent Tab.  



Limit refers to the number of responses a user can submit. If the Limit is mentioned as “0” then the user can make unlimited responses. 


If the self-show switch button is turned ON the user will able to see all of the responses by them. 


Tab 2.4: Response Access    


Survey Assignment  

Survey Assignment will also be auto-populated in reference to the Header Tab.  


The User/Contact selected in this field will have the access to view the responses submitted by any user of the same tenant. 


In this field a Role will be selected and all the users under that selected Role will have the access to view the responses submitted by any user for the same tenant. 


  1. Survey Tab Panel: 

Survey tab panel will appear on the window as per defined in the Survey Assignment Window. In our case we have applied survey on Sales Order window. So based on the survey show condition it will appear on the Sales Order as user open the Sales Order window. 


 The system will give an error as given in the image below. 


Enhancement of Restrict filling survey on Save Window record


In the latest enhancement, we have added the feature to fill the survey on the Save of the record.So, before saving validation message will be coming to fill survey if survey was not filled earlier. 

 For eg: If we bind the survey for the window "Tax Rate" and add the condition for the field "Rate =10.0" then while user creates the new record on the Tax rate window with the "Rate =10.0" then an alert message will be visible to fil the survey first, afterwords user can save the record. 


Note: After filling the survey before saving the window record, survey will be Temporarily saved. Once user saved the record then filled survey will be submitted successfully. 

  1. After submit the survey showing this confirmation message: 



  1. After Saved the record showing this message: 



Field Level Changes: 

1.We have changed the Name of the checkbox "Show Always" to "Enforce Mandatory Condition". 



Tab Level Changes: 

1.Change the name of the "Survey Show Condition" Name to "Condition". 
