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Vienna Advantage provides 6 type of context. 

  1. Login Information 

  2. Default Values 

  3. Accounting Information 

  4. Window Context 

  5. Value Preference 

  6. Application Settings 


To Identify and use context, following notations can be used along with key 

Type of Context 


Login Information 

All the login information is saved in context with keys having prefix ‘#’ and ‘##’. 

Here ‘##’ means login information entered by user.  Single ‘#’ means dependent login information which is not entered by user.  Login information includes User, Role, Client, organization chosen by user while login. 

For example: if user login into system with User having name ‘IdeasIncAdmin’ and AD_User_ID =101 then context will save this information like ##AD_User_ID == 101.  


Default Values 

All the default values  and system config settings are saved in context with keys having prefix ‘#’. These default values are loaded at login time. Vienna Framework will find all tables having “IsDefault” Column, then fetch default value from tables and set it in context. System config setting fetch from window System Config (Accessible to system administrator) 

For example: You can get information of Tax Category using #C_TaxCategory_ID 


Accounting Information 


All the accounting information are saved in context with keys having prefix ‘$’.  

For example: Default currency for tenant which set in Accounting schema window. This information is saved in context like  $CurrencyISO == USD 


Window Context 


All the window context keys are saved in context with following format: ‘windowNumber | ColumnName’. 

Here window number is automatically generated when a new window is opened. You can get value of current record on which you are working. Window Context available only on client side. You cannot get current window’s context in processes and custom controllers. 

For Example: 1|AD_User_ID == 1005528 



Value Preference 

All the value preference context keys are saved in context with following format:  PAD_Window_ID| ColumnName == Value 

Here P specifies value preference context.  
AD_Window_ID specifies window for which this value preference will work. If AD_Window_ID is null,that means this value preference will work for all windows. ColumnName specifies columnName in window for which this value preference will work for all windows. 

For Example: P127|C_BPartner_ID == 1006728 


Application Settings 

Application Settings keys are saved without any prefix. They are stored in local storage and not in database. 

For Example: AutoNew == N